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Commitment Sunday

On Commitment Sunday we ask our members to make their annual commitment to contribute to the financial and general well-being of the church through gifts of time, talents, and finances. Your commitment for the upcoming year allows our Church Council to plan and create a healthy budget and an effective plan of events and community celebrations for next year. We strive to maintain a balanced and transparent budget, with every dollar put to wise use and invested in our mission together. We also hope to engage every person attending St. John's in our weekly worship services, our ongoing community engagement projects, and our regular celebrations of special days and events. 

Our Stewardship Campaign for 2025 highlights our opportunity to support the ongoing ministries here at St. John’s and ensure that the ministries that bring life to our church are financed and otherwise supported. We are asking everyone to consider increasing their pledge by $2, $5, or $10 a week, as they are able. We are also challenging everyone to commit to one new offering of their time and talents, be it altar guild, coffee hour, the Midnight Run, serving as a substitute in the Sunday School program, or committing to help get the children into their costumes for the annual Christmas Pageant. Every contribution you are able to make of your time, talents, and finances supports the ongoing work of the church, and the health and well-being of all of its members. And don’t forget, your pledge is a commitment, which you strive to fulfill, but it is not binding if your financial situation or other life circumstances  change.

You will receive a pledge card in the mail. Please bring your pledge card to worship on the 17th or mail it to the church office. You can also find pledge cards on the last pew of the sanctuary. Or, you can pledge electronically:

Your pledge is a good intent statement of what you will give for 2025. The amount is entirely up to you. We encourage a pledge that makes you feel good to be doing your part in this beloved community. We encourage 100% participation, no matter the size of the pledge. You can give weekly or monthly by check or cash; set up an automatic payment schedule through your bank; or give through Zelle: Thank you for your generosity!

If you have any questions, please reach out to Kim Johnson at or 607-229-2468 (call or text).  Freely you have received; freely give.  Matthew 10:8b

October 25

Midnight Run

November 19

Book Club