

A Deep Dive into ‘He Gets Us’ with Kris Roggemann

You may have seen posters, videos or even Super Bowl advertisements from an organization called ‘He Gets Us’. Ever wonder about how this work came to be? 

St. John’s alum Kris Roggemann has been working with the He Gets Us organization since its inception in 2020, sourcing and creating music for their various campaigns. Join him for an informative show-and-tell into the motivation behind the thought-provoking messaging as well as the challenges involved with releasing this work into today’s cynical media and cultural landscape. 

The campaign strives to depict the authentic qualities of Jesus: radical forgiveness, counter-cultural compassion and acceptance. Why then do so many people associate Christianity with hypocrisy and judgement? What relevance does Jesus have in our jaded modern world filled with societal stress and divisiveness? Did Jesus experience the same human frailties and challenges as we do? How might we all rediscover the original promise of Jesus' love that his story represents These questions are at the heart of He Gets Us.

Join us to learn how the campaign's goals have evolved over time and what’s next. In the meantime, keep your eyes (and ears) open as the latest iteration of the campaign hits the airwaves this January and February.

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Ash Wednesday Soup & Salad Supper

Please join us for a great meal and lively conversation. There will be several gourmet soups made by members of the congregation and Pastor’s special chili.

It’s a potluck supper, and we need people to contribute a soup, a salad, drinks, or bread. We also need help with set-up and clean-up. Worship will follow at 7.30 pm.

Please click here to email Marc Schlueter to let him know what you will bring and if you can help.

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Book Club

Our March book is Yaa Gyasi’s novel, TRANSCENDENT KINGDOM, in which a young scientist tries to understand her family’s pain. It is a deeply moving portrait of a family of Ghanaian immigrants ravaged by depression and addiction and grief—an emotionally searing and exquisitely written novel about faith, science, religion, love.

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Understanding Dementia

Once one understands what dementia really is, one can learn that there are a number of worthwhile things that can be done now, even though a "magic pill” has not yet been  invented. Join us for a presentation by Robert Brent, Emeritus Professor at Fordham University, who is currently researching dementia interventions.

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Refugee Sunday

The Sakhi family will join St. John's for the 10am service, where Mohammad Sakhi will share brief remarks about his resettlement experience over the past year, and the pending arrival of his sister and her family. After the service, the Sakhis are preparing a brunch for all, including Russian and Afghan dishes. 

A free-will donation will be collected at the brunch to support St. John's Refugee Fund. Mohammad and his volunteer team have raised $8,400 of the $10,000 required for his sister's resettlement (including an $1,800 donation from St. John's)—your additional donation will help close that gap! Any donations beyond that will be applied toward the church's refugee fund, which will be used where needed most.

Donations can also be made in the plate or by Zelle, just designate that it is for St. John's Refugee Fund. Thank you!

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Bach Concert

Bach Concert

St John’s will present a concert featuring the music of JS Bach and other luminaries from the baroque style. This concert is free and an opportunity to invite people from the community into our church thanks to a generous gift from Sandy and Jim Kilts.

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New Members Information Class

New Members Information Class

If you are interested in knowing more about St. John’s and its ministry, you may want to attend this class.

We do lots of things here at St. John’s, which allows people to serve in so many wonderful capacities: being part of our ministry is a great experience that will not only enrich you but help you make a difference in our community.

Please RSVP Pastor Henk at 914.698.4348 or email

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Commitment Sunday

Commitment Sunday

On Commitment Sunday we ask our members to make their annual commitment to contribute to the financial and general well being of the church through gifts of time, talents, and finances.

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Midnight Run

Midnight Run

Help us help the less fortunate and join our Midnight Run team. We will distribute clothing and food in Manhattan and need people to donate lunches, help us sort the clothing and load the van, and join us on the Run.

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Having fun at the Oktoberfest. Delicious Bavarian food: German bratwurst, kassler, strudel, beer; music by the Austrian Boys; dancing; Oktoberfest games; fun people. Not to be missed! Get your ticket before it’s too late.

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