God Isn't Fixing This

For the last couple of days our world in the U.S. has been reeling over the 14 dead and over 20 wounded in a mass shooting in San Bernadino, CA.  This, after the horrors of Paris and the shooting at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado.  The death count is rising this year; but more than that, people in our country don't feel safe.  They are worried about the next strike, and those running for office are magnifying the issue and making it a political football as well as a way to condemn anyone who is a Muslim.The front page of yesterday's Daily News was very interesting.  I usually love the Post for its brash and out-there headlines that cause me to smile, but the News caught my eye yesterday.  On its cover were four people running for president, who all were tweeting "Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims".  To me, that is a fine sentiment, but in the center of it all was the headline "GOD ISN'T FIXING THIS".You know it's true because we, as Americans, need to fix this and address it in concrete and serious ways.  Having said this, I am not against hunting and I am not against the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms, but the only people who can stop this are leaders in our government, who enact laws to address this mayhem that seems to be woven into our culture of fear.As I have been saying the last few weeks, we as Christians and/or Americans need to be defiant and not allow fear to govern our lives.  If we do that, evil and the terrorists win.  If we are to fix this, and we must, we need to have a meaningful conversation that looks for solutions rather than shouting slogans at each other.  Without a doubt, we can do more but I don't see many people leading this country lift a finger to change anything or address the problem with new thinking.Our prayers should always be with those who are victimized by violence - but God is not going to fix it.  We need to fix it.  Let's pray for people who will stand up and begin to fix this scourge in our society.MEH


The Dark Side of Advent


Standing with Paris